70 years of innovation
In 2024, Clarins celebrates 70 years of groundbreaking French beauty, powered by nature's most effective ingredients.
From generation to generation, our iconic products have adorned dressing tables and bathroom cabinets around the world.
Here's to seven decades of beautiful innovation, beautiful sharing, and beautiful engagement.
From iconic products to the Clarins Institut, discover what's made us unique for the past seven decades.
Chapter 1
A family affair
Discover the story of a French family with a revolutionary vision: that beauty should be seen, felt and lived.
Chapter 2
Innovation, then and now
Right from the very beginning, when Clarins was founded in 1954, our groundbreaking formulas and innovative approach to wellness set us apart.
Chapter 3
A more beautiful tomorrow
At Clarins, we're proud of our past - but we're always looking to the future.
Sourced with care
From our earliest days, we've championed the power of more responsibly-sourced ingredients in our pioneering approach to skincare.
Sustainable sourcing at ClarinsResponsible beauty
We're proud to support local communities, to work on reducing our impact on climate and to encourage actions for the protection of biodiversity.
Our sustainable commitmentsChapter 4
Here's to 70 more years together
Seven decades and countless innovations later, your feedback has helped to make us who we are.
Now, it's our turn to thank you.
Club Clarins: Beauty's best-kept secret
Enjoy special offers, rewards and exclusive previews with our generous loyalty club - plus special anniversary surprises.
Sign up nowJust arrived: Anniversary gift sets
Time to celebrate! Shop our duo of exclusive gift sets - available for a limited time only. From Clarins with love.
Shop now*at Clarins
*Amongst Clarins Products. Internal Clarins sales & data – Worldwide, Double Serum range, 2023
**Except children
***Internal Clarins Sales & data – Worldwide, Double Serum range, 2023
*Clarins internal figures, Sell-in WW November 2023